Wednesday, July 25, 2007

100 days!!!

Only 100 days until IMFL!! Yikes! Didn’t I just register?? And now suddenly 264 days has gone by since I signed up. I am ready to just go and do it. I feel like everything is revolving around that day right now, and I am anxious to get it done. Don’t know if I can go to California in October for Dan’s cousins wedding because of IM. Can’s spend a bunch of money working on the house right now because of IM. Can’t plan our vacation for next year yet because of IM. I am definitely looking forward to racing and am enjoying the process of getting there, but I am going to enjoy having that feather in my cap, too. At first, I was worried that I’d be depressed after IM. All that build up, and then it’s just over. But now I don’t think I will. I didn’t get that way after the wedding, and I don’t think I’ll get that way after IM either. I’m looking forward to sleeping in, not HAVING to work out, and just being able to do what I want without having to worry about my training.

I had a 7 mile run planned for last night, but I got about a mile out and my calves were so knotted up that they hurt REALLY bad and they just weren’t loosening up. I tried to rub them out a little bit, and they were just hard as rocks. What is that saying? “Pain is weakness leaving the body”. Well, I had lost enough weakness for the day. I turned around and headed back home, only getting in about 2 miles. Damn! I stretched out well and slathered my legs in Bio Freeze and made dinner. After I ate, I decided that I had better get the tube changed on my rear tire so that I could ride on Wednesday. I also was hoping that I’d find the problem with my cassette when I got my wheel off and be able to fix it myself instead of having to take it to the shop. Well, I found the problem. I got my wheel off and the entire cassette fell apart. Shit! There was my cassette laying on the garage floor in about 100 pieces. For those that aren’t bike savvy, the cassette is that set of rings with teeth on the back wheel; your gears. So here I am, with no idea how to fix it, trying to put the damn thing back together. I stacked the rings up in size order, with a little washer between each of them, and then put them back on my wheel one by one. There was an end cap type dealie that was threaded, so I figured that must screw into something. What do you know! I got it put back together and it works! I got my tube changed out pretty quickly, which was nice since I hadn’t had to do it in over a year so I wasn’t sure how quick I’d be. Now if I could just get better at putting the damn wheel back on….

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