Monday, July 20, 2009

Problem solved!

Shin splints are gone! I got in 14 miles on the 11th, and it was painful. Took me quite a while to loosen up. Then I tried to run last Monday and I just couldn't. It hurt way too bad. I got maybe half a mile before I had to walk. I was starting to get really worried considering that I have ET coming up in 3 weeks!

So anyway, I had a chiro appointment on Wednesday and I mentioned to her my problems with my shins. She said that sometimes what causes that pain is that the smaller bone in your lower leg, not the tibia but the other one, gets a little rotated which puts stress on the muscles and ligaments. The little knob on the outside corner of your knee is where that bone attaches. So she felt my knees, and said that it seemed to be a little "out" on my left leg. She adjusted it, and, VOILA! Shin splints gone!

My right leg is pretty much 100% better, I must have been compensating in some weird way for the pain in my left leg. My left leg is still a little tender, but it is WAY better than it was. I did 12 on Saturday, and it felt completely fine after the first couple of blocks. I am so glad I decided to mention it to her. So I think I should be good to go for the rest of my training for ET, and for the race itself. And oh yeah, for Chicago!


Kim said...

I LOVE my chiropractor. I don't think I would be running if I didn't have him.

I'm so jealous you're doing ET. That sounds like SO MUCH FUN!!

Joe said...

I struggle with shin splints too! I've thought about using those compression wraps. Who's your chiropractor?